Investment  Recovery  Partners  LLC

Linking People to a Better World through innovation...



  Our Mission:

IRPLLC is a private venture capital group.

We fund startup and early stage companies  (30 to date).

Our companies envision in their business plans a burning desire to build long term innovative business organizations and solutions.

Our companies seek to create high value for our society including jobs.

We utilize creative due diligence on new opportunities using financial investment and reporting methods that provide transparency and accountability and that inspire trust.

We expect a fair ROI return on investment for the risk we take in funding these early stage companies.       5:1 in 5 years

We keep score in order to continually improve and learn from our work together.

We learn from our losses.

We reinvestin our companies THAT PERFORM.

We continue to invest earnings into new investment opportunities.



Our Management Team:


Jim and Karen McFadden


Jon and Karen Larson



Dennis Pike, Jeannie & "Rosie"




Seed Round and Early Stage  IRPLLC investments include:




Eureka Genomics

Forensic Logic


Global Bionic Optics

Lightspeed Technologies/ECS

Neurotrope BioScience

Harvest Gold Organics

Nekekim Gold Partners

Nekekim Gold

American Beef Processing

American Beef


Investment Recovery Partners LLC and its 37 Partners have placed investment capital into 30 seed and early stage companies since 2006. We maintain ongoing advisor/mentor relationships through liquidity (or failure) of each investment. These diverse companies include;

LightSpeed Technologies -  Avionics, Vetronics (vehicle electronics), Telecom and Power, delivered at the speed of light over plastic optical fiber.  Integrated communication and navigational radios.  Synthetic vision for degraded visual environments. Plastic optical fiber systems designed for Automotive, Aeronautics, Telecom, DoD, Space and Maritime. Embedded Control Systems - integration of all-optical technologies for avionics instrumentation,

Hoku Scientific- hydrogen fuel cell and poly-silicon solar power research and manufacturing,

Language Weaver- statistical machine translation of foreign language pairs,

Forensic Logic- cross jurisdictional crime analysis and tracking,

NanoPoint – micro-biology bio-photonics and intra-cell imaging,

Nekekim - domestic U.S. gold mining and precious metals technology,

BioVentrix - medical instrumentation for minimally invasive surgical repair of CHF heart disease,

Global Bionic Optics- massive depth of field lens technology for security and biometrics and medical diagnostics,

Osage Exploration and 15 oil and gas exploration projects

Eureka Genomics - advanced low cost genomic DNA sequence analysis,

JP Renew- nutraceutical health products based on plant sources from the ocean,

SynerTech - software-based authentication technology for wireless devices,

SpaceData - marine seismic ship-to-shore data transfer using the TDRSS satellite channels,

American Beef Processors - automated fat separation for low-fat pathogen-free ground beef production,

ActiveLight.TV - computer/internet integrated digital flat panel display technology and narrow band advertising

Measureful - instant Social PopUp summaries combining links to all social networks for an individual person or corporate entity.

FusionIO - NAND flash-based ioMemory technologies for powering high performance computing systems and data centers,

ArmedZilla social networking for the U.S. military,

Phloronol pharmaceutical treatments for auto-immune and neuro-degenerative diseases including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease based on plant sources from the ocean

Neurotrope diagnostic and therapeutic technologies for neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s

PepTide Bioscience platform technology to inhibit pathogenesis of auto-immune and immune mediated diseases.



On the national imperative for innovation…

"Future economic prosperity depends on building a new, stronger foundation and recapturing the American “Spirit of Innovation….. It is only by building a new foundation that we will once again harness that incredible generative capacity of the American people.  All it takes are the policies to tap that potential – to ignite that spark of creativity and ingenuity which has always been at the heart of who we are and how we succeed.”

     President Barack O’Bama  -  weekly radio and internet address


“To keep America competitive into the future, we must trust in the skill of our scientists and engineers and empower them to pursue the breakthroughs of tomorrow….”     President George W. Bush  - State of the Union address

Describing the centerpiece of his American Competitiveness Initiative and the commitment to funding for key basic research programs that drive innovation and economic competitiveness.   “I propose funding that will support the work of America’s most creative minds as they explore promising areas such as nanotechnology, supercomputing, and alternative energy sources.”… 

  President George W. Bush  -   State of the Union


We are awaiting a statement on the subject from President Donald Trump...



A Strategy for American Innovation:

Sustainable Growth and Quality jobs - Office of Science and Technology Policy

Executive Office of the President, National Economic Council


Dreaming the Possible Dream: Innovation in America





Jon H. Larson - CV    Phone   415-435-3222    email:


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